


We know that it can be a little harder to tap into that personal beauty once we start to age. When our appearance no longer reflects how we feel inside, it can be hard to feel proud and confident about your appearance. Your vibrant inner self can be obscured by jowls, sagging cheeks, and sagging skin around the neck. When you want to regain that inner joy and pride about your appearance, a powerful rejuvenating procedure like the facelift can help. 

Dr. Machida, the founder of Second to Creation, is a facial plastic surgeon that’s renowned for his facelift. His outstanding facelift targets signs of aging from the lower face down to neck to give patients a smoother, younger looking appearance. With a facelift, patients can lift sagging skin, contour the face, and soften the appearance of deep creases and lines.

Chin Augmentation

We don’t often talk about how our chins affect the way we look, but for many of us, a weak or receding chin is a constant source of concern. We shouldn’t forget about how important a chin is in establishing facial balance and proportion; along with our nose, forehead, and cheeks among others, the size and shape of our chin determines how striking our profile will be.

At the Inland Empire’s Second to Creation, we understand that small changes can have a big impact, that even something as seemingly minor as a chin can have a drastic effect on your overall look. That’s why we’re proud to offer chin augmentation, a simple procedure that uses a state-of-the-art implant to balance the chin. With a chin augmentation, we can help you bring your look into a harmonious whole.

Brian K. Machida, MD, FACS
Located in the Heart of Inland Empire

Restored Faces…Transformed Lives. Excellence, experience, caring, professionalism, and amazing results are all part of the experience you’ll receive as part of your incredible experience at STC Plastic Surgery

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